Friday, August 04, 2006


means tell them in isoko, or so i am told in every issue of the magazine. takaii... that LAW can be FUN. magazine? what magazine? i told you that this was a two-part series, right?

cos in between doing consulting gigs and national service and promoting the nigerian film industry and... and... she got together with her cousin and launched a magazine. well not just a magazine but the beginning of some kind of empire, i'm sure. i mean there is the magazine (with cool marketing gimmicks like mugs and bumper stickers and t-shirts that say "i am afraid of lawyers" and the like). then there is the work they have done simplifying those legal documents that are so complicated (with their wherefores and thereins) and yet so important in our lives - the nigerian constitution, labour laws and trade disputes, just to name a few.

take a peek at a little of my roomie's dream takaii every quarter, i get a HUGE envelope with a cute note and my magazine. it is available in nigeria, ghana, south africa and, of course, right here in new york (and the rest of the united states too, i suppose). and they are constantly looking to expand their market. okay, there, i have done my bit of promotion.

a couple of months ago, kai was not sleeping. she was upset and stressed. the printer was not delivering the magazine. subscribers were not happy because they did not have their current issue. advertisers were upset because their ads were not out. the magazine staff was unimpressed cos girlfriend had negotiated the deal with the printers. every day she went to the printers and every day they had a story - oh, we didn't charge you enough (like that was her fault); oh we have done one colour. either way, it was all blah-blah-blah and she still didn't have her magazines. she was so sad and i was so powerless. well, one day, she got up and instead of going to the printer's, she went to the police. next thing you know, one of the dudes from the magazine is being "brought in for questioning". then some guy is being held overnight. mr man's wife is calling kai, imploring her to have a heart. of course i am on fire now. "have a heart, my ass! where was his heart when you were just trying to get them to stick to a contract they entered willingly? mchaw! (the sound of sucking teeth) the man must rot there until he gives you your magazines. cxwa! (also the sound of sucking teeth) man! i can't believe you did that?!" but i sorta can. i mean she is a petite one, that kai, but tough as nails. i mean, lagos and new york? please!

by the end of the week, the magazines were out and looking great. i had my issue soon after. now that is a magazine with a story to tell. and this is what chasing dreams is all about...

did i mention she wrote a book? here's kaine's space... damn, kai! let me catch up on the dream thing before you start chasing more. tell me how to dream... i want one too! or two...

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